Home Disclaimer policy

Disclaimer policy

Hello there, and welcome to US News Bites. We want to be clear about how our website works and what you can expect from us. By using our website, you agree to the following simple rules:

1. Accuracy of Information:

  • We try our best to give you accurate and up-to-date information, but we can’t promise there won’t be any mistakes or that everything will stay current.

2. No Professional Advice:

  • The information on our site is general and not a replacement for expert advice. If you need specific advice, talk to a professional.

3. Changes and Updates:

  • We can change or remove content on our site without warning. We don’t promise to keep old versions of articles.

4. External Links:

  • We might link to other websites, but we’re not responsible for what’s on those sites. You go there at your own risk.

5. User Comments:

  • We like when you comment and share your thoughts, but we’re not responsible for what you or others say. We might remove comments that don’t follow the rules.

6. Copyright and Intellectual Property:

  • Everything on our site, like text and images, is protected by copyright. Don’t use our stuff without asking us.

7. Advertisements and Sponsored Content:

  • Sometimes you’ll see ads on our site. They don’t mean we endorse the products or services. We don’t control what’s in those ads.

8. No Liability:

  • We’re not responsible if you have problems because of our site. You use our site at your own risk.

9. Changes to the Disclaimer:

  • Sometimes we might change these rules. We’ll post any updates here, and it’s your job to check for changes.

10. Acceptance of Disclaimer:

  • If you use our website, you’re saying that you understand and agree to these rules.

If you ever have questions about this, feel free to ask us. Thanks for being part of the US News Bites community, and we hope you find our content helpful and interesting.